Jun 30, 2020

Jun 13, 2019 How do I use the Chrome Extension? - Knowledgebase Install the PIA extension from the Chrome web-store here. Once the extension is installed, you will see the red PIA robot icon in the top right. If you make any changes to the extension settings, be sure to disconnect and reconnect to save the changes. Security: - Block Adobe Flash: Block Chrome from running Adobe Flash. Adobe Flash can be How to add or remove Kaspersky Security extension to browsers

Feb 21, 2019

How to remove chrome policies on mac? - Google Chrome PLEASE HELP! About one month ago, my chrome is infected with weknow.ac malware. I searched how to get rid of this malware. I have tried to use terminal, and pasting lines of terminal commands, and as a result, the chrome policies overrides the chrome and turns the startup page into about:blank. How to Disable or Remove Google Chrome Extensions

How to Remove Chrome Extensions (Unwanted Google

Chrome Extension port.onDisconnect listener for native In my chrome extension code I am establishing a native connection to a native app and now whenever that native app shuts down, the chrome extensions port.onDisconnect listener is not getting fired.. Can anyone please help me on how to achieve this. Deploying Google Chrome extensions using Group Policy