Port scanning is the first step in the Discovery process. The Shazzam probe performs port scanning, regardless of whether you use patterns for horizontal discovery. The following table lists the known ports and protocols used by Discovery.

It establishes two TCP connections: Control Connection to authenticate the user, and Data Connection to transfer the files. SMTP is what is used by Email servers all over the globe to communicate with each other, so that the assignment you submitted at 11:59 pm … Chapter 2. The Transport Layer: TCP, UDP, and SCTP UDP is a simple, unreliable datagram protocol, while TCP is a sophisticated, reliable byte-stream protocol. SCTP is similar to TCP as a reliable transport protocol, but it also provides message boundaries, transport-level support for multihoming, and a way to minimize head-of-line blocking. Difference Between TCP and UDP (with Comparison Chart Apr 13, 2016 List of TCP and UDP port numbers - Wikipedia

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Compare TCP and UDP - Engineering TCP: UDP: Connection: TCP is connection oriented Protocol: FTP, Telnet, SMTP, DNS, HTTP, POP: DNS, BOOTP, DHCP, TFTP, RIP: answered Jun 30 by Shimroz. Related questions List two advantages of using UDP over TCP. Compare between OSI and TCP/IP reference model. Explain TCP connection management with the help of TCP connection management

network protocols, TFTP, SMTP, TCP, UDP, ARP, RARP, TCP/IP

TCP and UDP Port Numbers Flashcards | Quizlet SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) 53. DNS TCP & UDP Domain Name System. 67. DHCPv4 UDP TCP and UDP TCP/IP legacy support for the outdated NetBOIS protocol. 143. IMAP TCP Real-Time Transport Control Protocol. 5060. SIP UDP Session Initiation Protocol, not encrypted. 5061. SIP UDP CompTIA Series - Internet Ports - Interface Technical Training